
Discipline of embodied attention


The main reference in Italy for Embodiment disciplines

discipline of embodied attention

About D.em.A.

The interaction between mind and body determines our actions and activates our cognitive processes. The way we reason, construct concepts, make decisions, solve problems, and attribute meanings to ourselves and the world around us, as well as many other everyday actions, also depends on the way we pick up stimuli, derived from our body’s approach to nature and our surroundings.

According to these terms, we can consider our actions and acting as a consequence of the mind-body relationship derived from stimuli from the “external” world.

Based on the concept of embodiment is the new frontier of somatic therapy, which states: the human mind is largely determined by the structures of the human body (morphology, sensory and motor systems) and its interactions with the physical environment. 

"The memory of your story
is written in the body"




the method

Learn how to be well

Embodiment practices for change and personal growth combined with targeted solutions on one’s body for managing fear and pain.


The international school dedicated to the Grinberg Method

Individual sessions and group workshops according to the Grinberg Method and professional training to become a bodywork practitioner in the Body Learning School.


The Festival

Seminars, meetings and events where you can learn about the world and the benefits of the Embodiment reality.

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